Chapters 7 to 11

Chapter 7
Ski Boot Issues related to Forward Lean and Flex

Equal and Opposite Reaction (2:09)
Does More Forward Lean Solve the Problem? (2:40)
Power Rack Example (4:50)
How to Move Forward (5:12)
Changes Allowed by the Characteristics of the New Skis (6:52)
Cross Over / Cross Under (7:40)
Edge Change from an Extended Position (8:35)
Summary of Important Ideas (9:30)
Chapter 8
How does all this Relate to Alignment?

The Misconception of Rolling the ankle (3:18)
How the Modern Ski Boot Positions the Skier (4:25)
Technical Flaws and Alignment (5:15)
The purpose of the Footbed (5:55)
Pronation (7:00)
Buckle Down on a Loose Bag of Bones (a Pronated Foot) (7:20)
The Footbed Solves Rotary Problems (8:19)
Chapter 9
More Alignment Stuff

The Cuff Adjustment also Solves Rotary Problems (0:00)
Fore/Aft Balance (1:30)
Ramp Angle in Boot and Binding (2:00)
Heel Lift Changes Foot Position in the Boot (2:20)
Inclination/Angulation are Lateral movement Problems (3:50)
Skiing Happens from the Snow Up (4:20)
Why would Someone Angulate Vs. Inclinate? (4:27)
Mass Inside the Arc of the Turn (5:45)
When Does the Ski Come onto the Edge? (6:15)
Why Does the Outside Hand Come UP? (6:25)
The Correction for Banking (7:00)
The Metronome and Core Strength (7:45)
The Question is How does the Boot Position the Skier Over the Snow? (9:00)

Chapter 10
Solve the Rotational Equation Before the Lateral Equation

What can Account for a Better Turn on One side Than the Other? (0:55)
First Must Deal with Rotary (1:23)
The Footbed is 1st part of Rotary Equation (1:35)
The Cuff Adjustment is the 2nd part of the Rotary Equation (3:30)
Canting is the solution to the Lateral Equation (5:00)
Chapter 11
Alignment in All 3 Planes of Movement

Position of Foot Inside the Boot (1:00)
Heel Off Position of Gait (1:15)
Using Heel Lift to Maintain Strong Foot Position (1:40)
Too Much Forward Lean (2:30)
Boot Too Stiff (3:50)
Toe Lifter (4:50)
3 Planes of Adjustments (5:35)
Body Position is the Result of Boot Alignment (6:40)


  1. Thank you soooooo much for these super informative videos! It's all about the physics! Work smarter not harder. Great job! Love it!

  2. Best explanations I've ever heard. Thanks (But now I need to go shopping!!!!)

  3. lenkearney@gmail.comJanuary 13, 2015

    you still out there working with people? 40 years of skiing in the back seat and nothing works...

